Wednesday, 05 April 2017 09:22

The Sales Funnel and Your Sydney Business Website: How to Your Website Helps Convert Leads Into Customers

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The sales funnel is something off any basic business course – yes.. When you intend for a successful career in marketing, it is something you keep to heart. Of course, in this day and age, you now don’t need to be an actual salesperson to go through this process. Your Sydney business website can do it for you!

From awareness to action, your Sydney business website can be your best salesperson! Here’s how:

SEO for Awareness

The first stage of the sales funnel is awareness. Here, you need to find ways of making your target market aware that you and your brand exist. A good way to do this is through SEO (search engine optimisation).

SEO refers to optimising your website’s onpage and offpage content in order to achieve top rank in search engine results.

For instance, let’s say you have an automotive repair business in Sydney. When SEO is done right, your website will come up on the first page of my Google search when I look for ‘auto repair Sydney.’

Good SEO puts you alongside more popular competitors. You can, in theory, compete toe to toe against them. Your target market is made aware that your brand exists.

The key to good search engine optimisation is adhering to the industry’s best practices. Acceptable and optimal SEO is updated time and again, as search engine improve their ranking system. Choose a web design Sydney company who know what they’re doing and has achieved ample SEO success.

Drum up Interest through Your Content

Now that SEO has led your target to your website, keep them there with engaging content. This pertains to how your website looks and what’s included in the content.

Don’t ever fall for scrupulous SEO practices wherein your content is littered with spammy write-ups that have your keywords but do not make sense. That’s old SEO and the practice is now being penalised by reputable search engines.

Engage through your content. Choose a website look that appeals to your market and then speak to them through your content.

Your Sydney business website is one of the best ways to reach out to your market. Don’t take that chance for granted.

Help Your Audience Make a Decision

There are elements in your website content that help your audience make their purchasing decision. Pages like your About Us and FAQs give your market a better idea about you, and your products and services. Links to your social media profiles or product reviews allow a glimpse to your customer engagements and how their peers perceive you and what you offer.

Spur Action

Lastly, encourage your leads to take action. It starts with strategically-located and optimally-worded Calls-to-Action (CTA) that lead to your shopping cart. Use A/B testing to know which CTAs work best.

Likewise, make online purchase easy. Ditch forms that jump from one page to another. Keep things simple and secure.

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Tim Williams

Founder and Managing Director of A Website That Works For You, Tim Williams has lead "The Green Team" to success helping business owners take advantage of leading Web Design and Online Marketing practices.

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